New Milcers Video: Adv. JV Letter Printing Techniques
We just posted a new video in the Milcers Private Site that shows you exactly how to do the steps discussed in the last two newsletters issues to create custom printed JV envelopes and letters.
If you've been having a problem following the steps in the newsletter OR simply prefer video, check it out.
Login to the Milcers Private Site.
Click on: Marketing Training Videos
It's there, on the top left.
Best Wishes,
Update: Gospel of Marketing Call #4 Audio
Hi All,
I expected the "Gospel of Marketing" Call #4 audio to be here yesterday but it looks like the file upload got corrupted by the conference company and as a result, the audio isn't yet available.
We're working on a fix for it.
In the meantime, you can listen to Part #1, #2 and #3 online by logging into the Milcers Private Site, then accessing the audios from the links displayed in the article box at the top of the page.
As soon as we have part #4 repaired (if possible), I'll post it.
Best Wishes,
Introduction to Milcin' the Web...
Hi All,
Welcome to the new "Milcin' the Web" blog.
We'll be posting updates on NEW Milcers benefits as they're added to the private site and when a new item is added, we'll blog a note about it so you can get instant access to what's new, as soon as it's added like new conference audios, templates, resources and other Milcer benefits.
So instead of having to check the private site for new updates you can grab the RSS feed to this blog, add it to your RSS reader and get instant notification when something has been changed on the Milcers Private Site.
We're trying to come up with a system to notify you of ALL changes to Milcers, including the new publishing dates of the rotating contents. That'll be posted as soon as we figure out how to do it.
In the meantime, grab the FEED URL and plug this into your RSS Reader.
If you don't know how to do that, just hang out until end of the day. I'll do a video that shows you what to do, where to get the RSS reader and so forth.