Saturday, January 28, 2006

Jan. newsletter will go out next week..Feb in works


I'm really behind on the Jan. newsletter because Lisa is
taking some time off.

This issue won't be pretty! But the content is great.
Matt will at least make it look prettier than I can next

We'll get it printed and mailed.

I'm writing the Feb. edition asap.

The web site template we deliver each month will be
delayed until Lisa returns.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Update on Jan. Newlsetter & site updates

Hi Milcers,

Quick update on important issues:

1. If you want me to do more frequent blog posts or
if you don't care, either way, email and let me know.
tellmarlonnow at yahoo . com

2. You can post in the Friday q and a forum ANY
day of the week. But I only respond Fridays and

3. I've received questions about when you will
receive the bonus for your 6 month membership.
Someone wanted to know if it's even written!

Yep, it's written. It does need some formatting.
A crucial staff member had a personal crisis
and that puts everything on Matt and Cory's

So hang out. Even if you don't continue and pay
for your 7th month, I'll still get it to you. No

Of course, not continuing would be a big mistake!

4. When is the Jan issue coming out and why do
I have Dec. content in Jan?

The reason is because this is a newsletter. You
get a newsletter once a month...sometime during
the month.

So sometime in Jan. the January newsletter
will be posted. Hold tight and I'll get it out.

5. Do you like the private site? If you do, I
need an email at tellmarlonnow at yahoo . com

Otherwise, I'm considering going back to just
a print newsletter. And for Gold members the
print newsletter and CD.

This is your chance to voice your opinion.

6. The good news is I think this issue is going
to help tons of you find your target market once
and for all.

I've spent a lot of time this month thinking about
different approaches and ways to help you with
this. I believe I've got some ideas that will help
nail it down for you.

Best wishes,
