Friday, February 17, 2006

Feb. is posted now


Your Feb newsletter, video and so forth
are posted now.

I'll catch up on questions in the forum asap.

You should be receiving your VERY belated
Jan. newsletter in print any day now.

We've already sent off the Feb. issue for printing
and I'll be getting that out shortly.

Also, we had a GREAT gold call. If you missed
it, I'm sending out the link on it too.

Whew! Lots of stuff for you.....really good
information also.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Power Of What's Next Thinking

QUESTION from forum:

Marlon. Where do you get your vision from when looking into the future of online marketing and coming up with new ideas?

Can you give us a peak inside your head?



Well, no one can possibly see everything.

A lot of times, when you're really in tune with yourmarket, you can just feel it and sense it. What'scoming next.

I also will practice "What's Next" thinking. That's theeasiest thing to do.


1. What's the NEXT logical way people will providePROOF their product delivers benefits?
We already know everyone is using testimonials. Sowhat will be next with testimonials? Obviously, we'llsee a lot more video.

Then what?

I was one of the first to use screen caps of statementsonline...(Cash Like Clockwork and Gimme Secrets). Then,others took that way beyond what I had even envisioned.Practically to an art form.

So what's NEXT?

What will be the NEXT way people prove the product deliversbenefits or that the testimonials are real?

OK. We had instant audio. Then instant video. What'snext in the logical progression? text ----audio----video------???? What's next?

What would next in that logical progression?

How about interactive video? How about customizablevideo? How about 1 hour video trainings streamed onthe Net? How about web cam training?


We had manuals and cd's and tapes....then ebooks....then back to manuals and cd' DVD's...what's next?

My WHAT NEXT was the Marketing Dashboard. Now, I haveto START thinking what's next beyond that.

Armand recently did this with the sales letter/web sitegenre. He created the Marketing Makeover Generator.A brilliant what's next.

Online Marketing:

Frank and Ed said what's next...and their answer was anexact, specific system for marketing to niches. Brilliant.

What's next?

For them, it's multi media. Possibly. And an integration tool.

Beyond "niche marketing" what's next in the logicalprogression?

Micro niche marketing? Or will it go upstream tomega niche marketing? Or will it go to deeper nichemarketing? Selling deep into 1 niche?

I think it has already happened: "no niche marketing"That's called Google Adsense and that whole genre. Noproduct needed at all!

What's next beyond that?

Maybe software that does the same thing but integrateswith Yahoo Publisher's Network and Miva.

Another way to do things is to cross breed industries.

You take something from 1 industry or arena and applyit to yours.
Like American Idol or Reality TV.

You could have Internet Marketing Reality Contest.

Or an audition for the "become a marketing superstar"contest.
And so you asked a question here.

I answered.

What's next?

I'm asking that right now about Push Button Letters.What's the NEXT version of it? What capabilities canI add? What would it do?

There is a logical progression of ideas if you studyhistory. 1 thing led to another led to another.
All logically. What's next in the sequence?


We just had Butterfly Marketing...that was a what'snext by Mike.

It's about viral marketing done differently from whatmost do. But a lot will likely jump on the bandwagon.

So what's next in terms of viral marketing? Whatwould be the next logical progression? The nextlogical twist?

All Mike did was take Mark Joyner and do a what's next.He took it to another level.
What's the NEXT level?

Viral marketing is a way to build lists. It has somegood points and flaws.

What might be next in terms of a way that has all thegood but eliminates the flaws?


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Jan Newsletter is POSTED...Feb issue coming shortly


Believe it or not we FINALLY posted the Jan. issue....Yeah!

Just so you know, Lisa had a death in her family and Matt and I were scrambling around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to hold stuff together!

We are VERY happy to have Lisa back in the saddle...whew!

So .... I apologize for the delay but if you take the Jan/Feb issues as a whole, you'll see they were VERY much worth waiting for.

Feb continues the thoughts in Jan and goes deeper. Really good stuff.

Oh, Lisa is getting the templates and videos done for Jan and Feb shortly.

I did discover a few things in her absence. If you need graphics done, you can go to and Both those sites have design a LOT of people use.

I mean, I prefer Lisa but if you don't have a Lisa, you can go there.

SECOND: Firesale Secrets for FREE!

This is crazy.

So Mike Filsame did the Butterfly Marketing launch. I think it's mostly about doing fire sales. You can probably get some or a lot of what's in the course for free:

Go to: Fill it in and you can download GREAT stuff for free.

1. You fill out the info on the bottom of the first page. That puts you on Mike's list and it sucks because I'm not using a reseller URL here.

2. Next page is called an OTO -- One Time Offer.

He converts something like 30% or 40% on these OTO's.

3. At the bottom, click that you don't want the offer.

4. That takes you to the page with all the firesale secrets. Honestly, it's really good stuff. Download the transcripts and so forth to learn how to do fire sales.

5. You can also buy a good course on running firesales at:

And the software to automate them (I think...but I could be wrong... that it's the same as in butterfly marketing) is at:

Pretty neat looking stuff.

6. I like it better from the marketer's viewpoint than the customers. Lot of you have bought fire you got a zillion unrelated products on your hard drive with no time to read them and no idea how they fit together.

7. For your money, I recommend you take us up on the hot, new Action Grid bonus offer going out's my birthday bash sale.

Lisa will send you a coupon tomorrow when she sends out the offer so you can save $$ as a Milcer.

8. If you want to read the way Mike did the BLOG for the resellers for the Butterfly launch, it's pretty neat:

First prize was a ROLEX...then 3 laptops and a bunch of other stuff. Pretty good haul for resellers, I'd say.

9. Make me proud and don't send me an email, "Marlon, since you told me about those firesales, I've bought TEN of them and now I have all this stuff on my hard drive with no idea how it fits together and no time to do any of it."

You don't know how many emails like that I've read till I'm blue in the face. By the way, this is NOT Mike's fault. Just be an intelligent consumer. That's all that I'm saying.

And keep your eyes peeled for my AG birthday bash offer, the Starcast from Starbucks and your Milcer's discount coupons.


Jan Newsletter is POSTED...Feb issue coming shortly


Believe it or not we FINALLY posted the Jan. issue....Yeah!

Just so you know, Lisa had a death in her family and Matt and I were scrambling around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to hold stuff together!

We are VERY happy to have Lisa back in the saddle...whew!

So .... I apologize for the delay but if you take the Jan/Feb issues as a whole, you'll see they were VERY much worth waiting for.

Feb continues the thoughts in Jan and goes deeper. Really good stuff.

Oh, Lisa is getting the templates and videos done for Jan and Feb shortly.

I did discover a few things in her absence. If you need graphics done, you can go to and

Both those sites have design a LOT of people use. I mean, I prefer Lisa but if you don't have a Lisa, you can go there.

SECOND: Firesale Secrets for FREE!

This is crazy.

So Mike Filsame did the Butterfly Marketing launch. I think it's mostly about doing fire sales. Here's the deal:

Go to: Fill it in and you can download GREAT stuff for free.

1. You fill out the info on the bottom of the first page. That puts you on Mike's list and it sucks because I'm not using a reseller URL here.

2. Next page is called an OTO -- One Time Offer.

He converts something like 30% or 40% on these OTO's.

3. At the bottom, click that you don't want the offer.

4. That takes you to the page with all the firesale secrets. Honestly, it's really good stuff. Download the transcripts and so forth to learn how to do fire sales.

5. You can also buy a good course on running firesales at:

And the software to automate them (I think...but I could be wrong... that it's the same as in butterfly marketing) is at:

Pretty neat looking stuff.

Personally, I think you should evaluate carefully before buying fire sales. The problem is the info is often unrelated. However, as a marketer, they're great. A great concept.

6. For your MONEY, you'll get a special "Marlon's Birthday Bash" email tomorrow with a great offer on not just the Action Grid but a lot of great extras like conference call recording, transcripts and a cover design thrown in.

We'll send you a COUPON tomorrow for your Milcer's discount also.
